My story

jaak familyMy name is Jaak Roosaare, I am currently 41 years old and I from small European country called Estonia. I am married to Maria and we have two boys called Jako and Hugo and daughter Marie. I am semi-retired investor and blogger/writer. My hobbies include travelling the world and cycling in the forest 😉

As a college student I spent (actually invested!) 7 summers selling educational books door-to-door for Nashville based company Southwestern Advantage. It was a great experience (heck, I even got my honeymoon in Hawaii paid by the company!) and gave me a first hand opportunity to see how people manage their finances. In all honesty, it was terrible! I decided that I want to become free of financial stress and worries as soon as possible and so I started to learn more about money management, investing and creating passive income streams. It also helped that I was entrepreneurial from very get-go (I started my first business when I was 10 years old) and that I made nice profit selling Southwestern books.

In 2013 I self-published a book about becoming financially free in Estonia and it got pretty warm welcome (for a while being #3 in all-category best-selling list, #1 in business category and constantly out-selling bestsellers like Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich dad, poor dad“). If you can read in Estonian, get your copy here 😉

I am a big admirer of two opposite financial gurus – Dave Ramsey (get debt-free, pay cash for everything, invest in mutual funds and non-leveraged real-estate) and Robert Kiyosaki (get as much good debt as you can, use OPM and OPT and be the seller of investment vehicles). The more I have learned about the subject of money and investing, the more I am sure that there is no clear black-and-white answers – truth has more greyish color 😉 That’s why I believe in learning as much as you can from different point of views and taking very undogmatic stance about the subject of getting financially free.

Visiting Dave Ramsey with my Estonian friends (June 2014)

Visiting Dave Ramsey with my Estonian friends (June 2014)

As I worked on my own financial goals, I started to help others to set and achieve their money-goals as well. This is how I found my passion and true calling – becoming free of money worries and helping others do the same! 

I created my first Estonian-only blog in 2005 and upgraded it to WordPress version (and new domain in 2012. Since then I have written over 120 posts on the topics such as peer-to-peer lending, dividend stocks, rental real-estate (and cycling-marathons). The blog gets about 5000 visitors monthly and has been my platform for promoting the book and ideas. In 2014 I decided to take it a notch further and start similar blog in English (after several complaints from non-Estonian speakers that Google Translator is inadequate of working its magic).

In Triad Cashflow, my goal is simple – I will take YOU on a journey to learn how to create passive income streams from 3 different asset classes – private loans dividend stocks and rental real-estate.

My personal financial goal is to build 10 000 eur/month (ca. 11 000 usd) passive income portfolio using the same assets and techniques that I teach.

I will give you frequent updates on my journey towards the goal and hopefully you will find some motivation and investment ideas from my posts as well.

Why 10 000 euros? Well, Internet is full of blogs of achieving financial freedom by frugal lifestyle and low daily expenses (some that come to mind are: Dividend MantraFreedom 35WherewebeEarly Retirement ExtremeMoney Mustache). When it comes to other focus – that is making and keeping more money, I only found 2 million journey (if you know more, please link them in comments).

So my goal here is not to focus so much on the “expenses” side of the coin but to focus on income and passive income investing. 10 000 euros will give me 5000 euros free cashflow monthly to spend as I wish (I am a lifelong member of 50% saving club). That will do the job of nice and comfy living in most places of the world and most certainly in Estonia (where average monthly wage is about 1000 euros).

5 thoughts on “My story

  1. Wow, making 10 times the average monthly wage sounds like an incredible goal 😀 Congrats on your success at such a young age. You have a great story there. I’d be interested to read your book if it was translated into English some time in the future 🙂 Thanks for mentioning my blog. We are all in the same boat, curious to learn more about the world of finance and investing. I visited your other site. If you find any suitable articles you’ve written previously for roosaare, maybe it would be worth sharing it again on your new blog here 😉

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